This burpee box jumps + running workout workout is a great cardio burn that can be done at your local box or even at your own home.
Happy workout Wednesday! I just wanted to stop by really quickly with a workout I did the other week. It’s a great CrossFit workout that incorporates a lot of cardio. Hello burpees and running. I love when workouts incorporate bodyweight movements and cardio, so I loved this one! Here is how it went:
3 RFT:
20 burpee box jumps (24″/20″)
800m run
It is pretty straight forward, but I’ll give you the run down real quick. It is 3 rounds for time of 20 burpee box jumps (see video) followed by an 800m run. So do 20 burpee box jumps and then an 800m run x3. This workout definitely tests your cardio endurance. 20 burpee box jumps is just enough for you to keep going and not stop through them all. Pick a height for the box that you can jump to easily and not have to think about it much. Your legs will be burning by the time you get halfway through the second round of jumps. Then you go for an 800m run, which is a half mile. The key is to keep moving at a consistent pace. On the final run you can pick up your pace some since it is the last thing you are doing.
I finished this WOD in 17:51 RX. Try it out and let me know how it goes!
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