A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday!! Are you off work today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Michael is off so it’s nice having him home. I like being by myself most days, but it’s nice to have him here to talk to and to take little breaks with. He is also holding me accountable as some days I tend to get a little distracted with work.
In other news, recently got a Fitbit – well technically Michael got it awhile ago for free from work and we recently found it when we were moving. So I snagged it and started wearing it. Holy crap guys, I am really sedentary. Besides the fact that I workout 5-6 times a week for an hour or so, other than that I am mostly sitting all day. Last week it was almost 6pm and I had a little over 800 steps. 800 STEPS!!! That is horrible.
One of my goals this year, was to get outside/move more. Well now that I have this Fitbit, there is no excuse. I now have physical proof how much I am moving and not moving. I am hoping to lean out some this winter before summer and just by moving more throughout my day, I can help achieve this without too much extra effort.
Our NEAT (non-exerise activity thermogenesis) is our daily life movement that isn’t deliberate exercise. This can include household chores, walking the dog, grocery shopping, and what hot. Everyone’s NEAT is different, but it’s an important part of weight loss or gain and by doing things that can help increase it, you can have a great impact on your body without adding in extra workouts.
This sounds like a win win for me as I am not trying to workout multiple times a day to achieve my goals. One thing I am going to try to start doing is going for a walk either in the morning or the evening and going for a short cool down walk after my intense workouts. Do you guys have trouble moving throughout the day? What are some of the things you like to do?
Sunday – Black Swan Yoga
First yoga class in so long and it was wonderful!
Monday – home gym workout
15:00 AMRAP
15 box jumps
15 push-ups
15 deadlifts
I finished with 6+2 push-ups using 95#
Tuesday – rest
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits
10:00 EMOM
odd: :15 max C2B pull-ups
even: :30 max double unders
10:00 AMRAP
15 KB swings (70/55)
10 burpees
I finished with 7+11 KBS using 45#
Thursday – CrossFit City Limits
3×5 strict press
(+2.5% from last time or 95% of 5RM)
10:00 AMRAP
5 push press (185/135/70%)
15 box jumps (24″/20″)
I finished with 9 rounds using 85# and did 71# for my strict press
Friday – CrossFit City Limits
10 RFT:
200m farmers carry
10 strict pull-ups
20 alternating DB snatch (50/35)
I finished with 6+60m using 30# DBs and doing 6 strict pull-ups with a 40:00 time cap
Saturday – Flywheel class
No joke hour long cycling class!
Jamie says
My steps increased a lot when I adopted a dog. I know dogs are a lot of work but I easily get 10K steps every day now! Plus hes super cute:)
Kelly says
Oh my yes!! We want a dog too, just have been waiting for the right time. Now that we have a house and a yard, I think it’s going to happen soon. Hoping around the summer 🙂