Starting off the year with my 2018 New Year Resolutions & Goals. No crazy diets, goals, or lifestyle changes, just some things I hope to do to make myself a better person.
Happy 2018!! It’s that time of year again. That time where we promise ourselves that we are going to be better at certain things and stop doing other things. It’s usually in the form of eating better and moving more and doing less things that are not good for our health.
I think new year resolutions can go both ways – it’s definitely good to set some new goals and try some new things, but a lot of the time our goals can be unrealistic for ourselves.
It’s important to make goals that are realistic for our own lives and something that will have a positive impact on us. Just because you see so many other people doing certain diets or crazy workouts, doesn’t mean that you need to. Maybe you even want to stray from a certain way of eating and try to eat more intuitively. That might include a donut for breakfast instead of a green smoothie. Or do more yoga instead of high intensity workouts all the time. Think about what you would really like to achieve this year and work towards that.
My goals don’t include anything drastic. No crazy diets or workout routines. Not that those aren’t good goals for some people, that is just not on agenda for next year for me. I would like to make some changes that help me. Help me become a better person mentally and emotionally for myself and for my family (aka mostly Michael because at some points last year I was not a nice person).
So let’s get into them!
Personal New Year’s Resolutions:
Get outside more. Working from home is kind of a buzz kill on me getting outside. Some days I don’t even leave the house. I am going to try to make it a priority to go for a walk 3-4 times a week to give me a break in the middle of my day and clear my head. The weather is usually awesome here so there is no excuse.
Try new recipes from others. Being a recipe developer and food blogger has me on constant creation mode with food. Either trying new foods, testing out different flavors, or tweaking a recipe so it works. While I absolutely love creating recipes, a lot of my meals are pretty basic due to the fact that I am always trying to create. I’m pretty sure crockpot chicken with roasted veggies and potatoes over some greens and some kind of sauce is a staple for me. I’m going to try to make an effort to seek out new recipes from cookbooks or bloggers and try something new.
hummusapien curried chickpea salad
Read more!! Holy hell I never read. Like anything. I used to read a decent amount when I was living in San Diego (I actually went to the library and got books!) and before I started ETG I would read other blogs. Now I feel like all my time goes to working on this blog and I never read. I’m hoping to read some professional books along with some fun books and hopefully get in the routine of reading some of my favorite blogs. If you have any good recommendations for books, please let me know!
Calm the fuck down. Sorry for the language, but 2017 was kinda all over the place. ETG grew tremendously and it was absolutely amazing, but I also become way stressed. My brain was constantly thinking about what recipe I could do next, when I should post on Instagram, and my never ending to-do list. And I couldn’t turn it off. It lead to becoming pretty moody and feeling overwhelmed and anxious. I want to set some time for myself and work on some self care. That might include taking a bath, getting my nails done, getting lunch with friends more often, or whatever. Life is way too short to be stressed all the time.
Going off that, practicing more balance in my life. From eating, to working out, and balancing work and play. Start listening to my body and mind more and enjoying the little things in life.
Get back into meal prep. Now I don’t mean mass meal prepping for clients like I was before, but for Michael and I. Meal prep used to be my life. Literally. I would be doing it for 8-10 hours a day a few days a week. I think I did it so much in early 2017 that I got burnt out on it. So I’m hoping to get back into it so we can have some easy lunches throughout the week.
Drink more water! I haven’t been drinking nearly enough and I can tell the difference.
Wow, those are more that I planned. But all for the good!
Fitness New Year’s Resolutions:
I don’t really have any in particular. Last month I took it pretty easy in the gym, but I am ready to start getting back into my normal routine. I’m not sure if I want to go back to 5-6 CrossFit workouts a day though. Right now I am aiming for 3-4 high intensity days. We will see though.
I am hoping to get into yoga as well. One day a week to relax, help with mobility, and just use my muscles in a different way.
Run a marathon? I honestly don’t know about this one because it’s a huge thing to train for. Since I didn’t get into the Boston Marathon this year, I have been talking with my friend to see if we should try for next year. We are debating, but I honestly don’t know.
Eat the Gains New Year’s Resolutions:
Like I said above, 2017 was awesome for this little space on the internet. I am finally making some money by doing something I love. I am hoping to continue on this upward path making 2018 better than last year. Here a few things I want to accomplish with Eat the Gains that doesn’t have to do with growth in numbers.
Going off above and how I was really stressed, I’m hoping to set some boundaries for myself to help with that. Now I know I might not be able to stick by these every single day, I am hoping to most of the time. Some include:
– no computer time after 7:30pm
– no phone time after 8:30pm
– at least one day off on the weekend with no working (including checking email!)
Create more meaningful content that resonates with people. I love creating recipes, but there is more to life than food (even though it is one of my favorite parts). I am hoping to get into a little more nutrition, things that I do (like counting macros) to help me, and hormonal issues. All of these things are so important in living a healthy life and I hope I can help contribute to that.
Other than that, that’s all I got. I’m hoping to make next year more about improving myself than setting specific goals. I’m not saying I want to do epic shit with ETG, but taking care of myself and living in the moment is on the top of the list.
I hope y’all strive to become a better person in 2018. Whether it’s by prioritizing self care or being eating more or less greens. Cheers to 2018!
Jamie says
Great Goals!! They are motivating but not overwhelming. When I am looking for books to read I use the Goodreads app. You tell them what books youve read in the past and what you’ve liked and they suggest others based on your prior reads. I love it!
Happy 2018!!!
Kelly says
Thanks Jamie! Trying to keep it realistic and attainable this year 🙂 And that app sounds awesome!! I am def going to check it out, thanks so much. Happy 2018!
Christina says
Where’s planning a wedding on this list?? 🙂
Kelly says
Haha yesss!! That is on the list. We ideally want to get married this year so we have to get out butt’s in gear 🙂