A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday! Are you recovered from this weekend? Did you watch the Super Bowl?! If you did, what a crazy game! Tom Brady did it again! I really didn’t care too much who won, but my bf was routing for the Pats and one of our good friends from college loves Boston sports so I was happy to see them win! I think this year was the first year I didn’t drink any alcohol for the Super Bowl. The past few years I would have at least a couple drinks along with everyone else. Years ago I would get drunk (but that can be a story for another time). This year felt great with not one single drink.
Right now I am in a place in my life where I am really focused on my performance in the gym and wanting to lean out a little. While I am definitely still living a balanced life (insert the ice cream and popcorn I had on Friday night), it takes some sacrifices. Drinking alcohol during a big game wasn’t really worth it for me. I would much rather drink when celebrating something special to me. Wanting to achieve your goals is not always going to be a walk in the park. You have choices to make and things will have to be given up. You might not be able to do all the things you used to do. While it might not be the easiest now, if you are set in achieving something, later down the road you will thank yourself.
Have you given up anything lately to achieve a goal?
Sunday – CrossFit City Limits workout
30 assault bike calories
24 lunges
18 push-ups
12 front squats (185/135)
25 assault bike calories
20 lunges
15 push-ups
10 front squats
20 assault bike calories
16 lunges
12 push-ups
8 front squats (185/135)
15 assault bike calories
12 lunges
9 push-ups
6 front squats (185/135)
10 assault bike calories
8 lunges
6 push-ups
4 front squats (185/135)
5 assault bike calories
4 lunges
3 push-ups
2 front squats (185/135)
I finished in 21:12 using 95#
Monday – CrossFit City Limits Endurance workout
10 x 400m (2:00 rest)
I kept my 400s under 2:00 per round.
Tuesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
7×1 snatch (work up to 80%)
21 deadlifts (155/105)
21 burpees over the rower
max calorie row in remaining time
3:00 REST
18 deadlifts (185/135)
18 burpees over the rower
max calorie row in remaining time
3:00 REST
15 deadlifts (225/155)
15 burpees over the rower
max calorie row in remaining time
3:00 REST
12 deadlifts (275/185)
12 burpees over the rower
max calorie row in remaining time
*score is total calories rowed
I finished with a total of 74 reps (17+21+20+16) using 105, 125, 145, and 175#. The last round was rough. I also hit 90# on my snatch twice so I was pumped about that. Trying to get to 100# this year!
Wednesday – run + strength workout
4 mile run (7:26 pace) + back squat (170# new PR!) + max strict pull-ups (8)
Thursday – CrossFit City Limits workout
KB snatch (70/53)
*after each round perform: 50 double unders, 100′ walking lunges
I finished in 16:44 using 35#
Friday – CrossFit City Limits workout
10:00 AMRAP
3 clean & jerks (135/95)
3 lateral burpees
6 clean & jerks (135/95)
6 lateral burpees
9 clean & jerks (135/95)
9 lateral burpees
…and so on until time expires
I finished 15/18 cleans using 75#. Your grip gets shot halfway through this workout.
Saturday – rest day
Emily says
Ok the super cool thing about your Crossfit workouts is that you are never bored. I did the ‘Annie’ one you sent me with Jump ropes, and I was NOT bored. I started sweating so quickly; wow, I have more and more respect for Crossfitters every day.
Kelly says
Yes exactly! They are all so different, you can’t really get tired of them. I think that is why I have been doing it for almost 5 years!
daniel nardo says
The game made me SICK i hate New England and you make me tired just reading your workout
keep it up Dad
Kelly says
I know it was a crazy game! You guys gotta get to working out a little!