A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Currently typing this (on Sunday) as I’m sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting for my flight to head to Rochester, NY for a couple days with a brand I’m working with. After that I’m flying backing to Philly and will be heading to Delaware to chill at my family’s beach house for the week. I’m really excited to get to know a brand I love and then hang with my family and relax at the beach.
Since I’ll be on vacation, my workout routine will drastically change. I’ve been hitting it pretty hard the past couple weeks and am excited to give my body a little break the next handful of days. We did our longest run to date last week and to be honest, it wasn’t the best. By no means was it the worst, but I struggled a few times through it. It was a good pace, but not what we are aiming for.
I’m looking forward to taking a little break this week and giving my body some time to recover. But being on vacation doesn’t mean you just have to throw in the towel on being active. I always try to stay moving in some way or another – that could be going for a walk in the morning, hitting up a local CrossFit gym, going for a run, or even just paddleboarding. I know working out will make me feel more like myself and even if you just do a quick 10 minute workout to get your blood flowing in the morning, that counts.
It’s about finding what works for you though. If you don’t want to workout and give your body a break, do it. I would emphasis trying to get in 10,000 steps a day though (one of my August goals). If you want to keep up your training routine, go for it. The key is to make your vacation enjoyable. I used to struggle with this, either having to get a workout in or I would be annoyed or restricting myself on my eating. I’ve said it before, but life is about balance, and once I started to realize and implement this in my life, vacation (and life in general) became so much more enjoyable!
Weekly Workouts
Sunday – rest day
Monday – CrossFit City Limits
squat clean:
1 x 4 @ 60%
2 x 4 @ 70%
3 x 4 @ 75%
back squat
3 RM
3 x Super Sets
a. 10 L split squats
b. 10 L KB side bends
c. 10 R split squats
d. 10 R KB side bends
I cleaned 80#, 91#, and 100# on my clean and worked up to 150# in my back squat.
Tuesday – CrossFit City Limits
10 x :30 rounds
1 kneeling jump
3 rounds, each for time
500m row
rest as needed between rounds:
after each round, during “rest”:
3 rounds for quality:
5 strict pull-ups
5 strict handstand push-ups
5 strict chin ups
5 strict ring dips
I got 157.7, 201.2, and 201.2 on my rows. I did one round for quality between each row as well (3 is way too many in a limited time class)
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits
3 rounds for quality:
5 L/R KB bottom up presses
1 L/R KB turkish get up
5 L/R KB one legged deadlifts
1 L/R KB turkish get up
5 RFT:
400m run
21 deadlifts (185/135/40%)
I finished in 13:53 using 95#. This workout felt awesome and I crushed it. I probably could have used a little more weight, but don’t care.
Thursday – rest day
Friday – track workout
3 x 600m
*rest :60-90 seconds between
Saturday – long run
14 miles at 8:35 pace
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