A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy happy! How was your Christmas?! Did you get some cool things? Micheal and I kept it low key with just the two of us for most of the day, but my friend did come over in the morning and eat cinnamon rolls with us! We didn’t really do any presents (except a few things) either since we just bought a house and have been buying so much furniture. I would rather us buy some quality furniture than get some clothes or a new pair of sneakers (although I do want a new pair ha). And he did buy me these awesome TOMs that are coming in the mail soon!
Last week was another good week of working out and listening to my body. I had planned to work out on Thursday but it was so nice out I went for a long walk instead. It felt good to get outside and move my body in a more relaxing way. Going for more walks is going to be one of my new years resolutions for 2018. They are a great way to get some vitamin D and help you destress and clear your head.
It still feels a little weird not working out as much as normal, but my body (composition and weight) is still pretty much the same so I think it needs this down time. Hoping to get back into the swing of things once the new year rolls around!
Sunday – rest
Monday – rest
Tuesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
20:00 AMRAP
8 strict pull-ups
8 box jumps (36″/30″)
12 KB swings (70/55)
I finished with 7 + 10 KB swings using 53#, jumping to 24″, and doing 4 strict pull-ups each round.
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
wallballs (20/14)
5:00 REST
I finished in 14:52. The first set took be 4:42 and the second one just slightly longer.
Thursday – rest – went for a long walk!
Friday – CrossFit City Limits workout
5RM back squat
5 RFT:
10 clean & jerks (155/105/50%)
5 strict chin ups
I finished in 10:53 using 65# and worked up to 135# in my squat.
Saturday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
12 Days of Christmas
1 power snatch (115/80)
2 OH squats
4 push-ups
5 burpees
6 toes to bar
7 pull-ups
9 abmat sit-ups
10 thrusters
11 deadlifts
12 hang squat cleans
I probably finished in 32-33 minutes. We had the clock going but, it got messed up a little bit through so we had to start it over. Slower than last year, but I haven’t been pushing myself lately. The way the workout works is you do 1 snatch, then 1 snatch 2 OHS, then 1 snatch 2 OHS 3 SDHP, and so on.
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