A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday! I’m back in Austin after a short trip to Connecticut for a wedding. It was so fun – the weather was amazing, the ceremony was gorgeous, and the food was spot on. Is it bad I usually judge weddings by the food and the cake haha?! What’s a good wedding without a solid cake??
It felt good to get back into my workout routine last week, even if it was only for a handful of days. Lifting some weights and doing high intensity stuff just makes me feel good. I have noticed I am not feeling as good as I usually do though. I have been working on my strength the last couple of months and numbers that I was hitting before are now feeling really heavy or I am struggling with them.
It is super frustrating, but I just have to remember that is where I am in my training right now. I have been traveling for the last month and haven’t spent as much time in the gym. I am still strong, but haven’t been as dedicated because of being out of town. We all have ups and downs in our trainings. Some days feel like you are the strongest you have ever been while others you can’t hit 20# less than your PR. It happens to everyone. Even to professional athletes. We are a work in progress every day and even though you don’t feel like you are where you want to be or you are not making any forward progress, you are. Each day you work towards getting better is actually making yourself better.
So that is where I am in my training right now. I know the next few weeks are going to be even worse with working out, but I just need to accept it and keep moving along in my fitness journey. Once I am back home, I can really focus on it again.
Sunday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
5 RFT:
50 double unders
10 deadlifts (225/155)
15 burpees
I think I finished around 11:30 using 135#
Monday – CrossFit City Limits workout
4 RFT:
800m run
49 push-ups
49 sit-ups
49 air squats
I think I finished in 41:35 – so many push-ups
Tuesday – rest day
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
strength work with programming from my coach
Thursday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
15:00 AMRAP
30 double unders
15 hang power cleans (115/85)
10 push press
5 pull-ups
I finished with 5 + 10 push press at 75#
Friday – run
Ran 4 or so miles around Essex, CT
Saturday – travel WOD
20:00 EMOM
10 burpees
I completed every minute – I think next time I will do 12 burpees per minute as 10 wasn’t hard enough for me.
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