A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great long weekend. I know Mondays are always super hard to get back into things after a few days off, but I hope you had enough time to relax.
I know last week was Thanksgiving and most of you probably enjoyed lots of delicious food – which you totally should. It’s okay to eat the foods you love and enjoy them. Thanksgiving is only once a year and that might be the only time you enjoy your grandma’s homemade pie or your mom’s green bean casserole. Food is meant to be nourishing not only for the body, but for the mind.
That means not over analyzing everything you eat. Trust me – I’ve been there. I remember one year I made my mom make this low fat stuffing (that tasted crappy) because I was so scared to eat too much fat. Stressing about food is just as bad for your health as eating the unhealthy things you normally don’t eat.
So if you did enjoy yourself, don’t sweat it. It’s a new week and you can get back to your normal routine. And no need to punish yourself for what you eat. Go about your normal workout schedule. One day of eating is not going to derail all your progress. Just don’t let one day turn into a week, 2 weeks, a month…
Sunday – rest day
Monday – CrossFit City Limits workout
3RM hang squat clean
7:00 AMRAP
1 snatch (70% of 1RM)
3 clean & jerks
I finished with 13 rounds using 65# and worked up to 110# in my clean
Tuesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
20:00 AMRAP
400m run
15 KB swings (70/53)
15 toes 2 bar
I finished with 5 + 50m using 44#
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
for time:
20 front range lunges (50% of 1RM front squat)
20 muscle ups
200′ handstand walk
20 hand power cleans
20 box jumps (36″/24″)
20 6” deficit handstand push-ups
20 front squats
I finished in 13:28 using 85# and doing chest 2 bar pull-ups instead of muscle ups, 200′ bear crawl instead of handstand walks, and regular handstand push-ups
Thursday – Thanksgiving – Turkey Trot!
5 miles (yes, Austin does 5 miles instead of a 5k) – I think I finished around 42-43 mins
Friday – rest day
Saturday – CrossFit City Limits workout
for time:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 situps
100 air squats
I finished in 20:56 RX. I think that is a PR too!
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