A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Sunday – CrossFit WOD
Every 2 mins for as long as possible:
8 clean & jerks (185/135)
8 bar facing burpees
Spicy WOD from Jason Khalipa’s new insta of EMOMs. I finished 13 rounds at 85#. I could have maybe kept going, but figured 104 C&J was enough. If I do it again I will use a heavier weight.
Monday – CrossFit WOD
1000m row
5 minute rest
10/7 calorie bike
Didn’t really feel like doing anything, but figured I should. There was supposed to be another 5 minute rest and a 500m row after the EMOM, but I ran out of time and had to coach classes. I got a PR on my 1000m row.
Tuesday – Crush workout
Did a demo for a potential new instructor and the running in a class. Probably got 3.5 miles or so in.
Wednesday – CrossFit WOD
7 rounds for reps:
1:00 chest to bar
1:00 kettlebell swings (70/53)
1:00 burpess
1:00 rest
WOD from hell. I think I finished with 315 reps using 45#. My hands were starting to rip though so I moved to ring rows in the 4 or 5th round. I only did 10 of them each round though so I could keep consistent in sticking with my same numbers. This WOD could have easily been 4 or 5 rounds.
Thursday – rest day
I did work on my muscle up progressions and 75 GHD sit-ups though.
Friday – 10.5 mile run
Another run around Town Lake. We missed jumping into Barton Springs by like 5 minutes 🙁
Saturday – rest day/travel day to North Carolina
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