A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday! After a fun and productive Saturday and a lazy Sunday, I’m ready to get shit done this week. I wasn’t planning on having a lazy Sunday, but I ended up drinking a little more than anticipated Saturday night. It was our friend’s 30th birthday and I was only planning on having one drink, but it turned into 4-5. And we didn’t get home until like 1:30am…so a lazy Sunday it was.
While I drink from time to time, I definitely don’t do it as often as I used to. I think alcohol can have a time and a place, but if you are focused on performing your best or maybe leaning out, you should consider cutting it out for some time. Not only does it add a lot of unwanted calories, it usually leads to poor decisions. Hello drunk eating, unhealthy food choices the next day, or just a lazy Sunday when you had intentions to go to the gym (like me). Over the past few months I have really limited my drinking to when I think it’s worth it. This has helped me tremendously with staying on track and helping me reach my fitness goals. I’m not saying you need to cut it out completely, but find a place where you make smart decisions about where to indulge and where you can skip the drinks and still have fun. It’s all about the balance!
Sunday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
back squat
3@80%, 3@83%, 2×3@85%, 2×2@88%
10:00 EMOM
1 squat clean + 3 front squats
4 x 5 weighted strict pull-ups
Monday – CrossFit City Limits workout
1 mile run
50 assault bike calories
100 double unders
5:00 REST
1 mile run
50 assault bike calories
100 double unders
I finished in 33:59 RX
Tuesday – rest day
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
For time:
10 thrusters (135/95)
8 thrusters (155/105)
6 thrusters (185/135)
4 thrusters (205/145)
2 thrusters (225/155)
*change weight after each round
1×20 back squats @55-60% of 1RM
*after the 10th rep, breath 3 times after each rep
I finished in 10:52 and did 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120. Sets don’t have to be unbroken, but you should aim for it. I did all but the last one unbroken.
Thursday – CrossFit City Limits workout
100 double unders
50 abmat sit-ups
200m run
80 double unders
40 abmat sit-ups
200m run
60 double unders
30 abmat sit-ups
200m run
40 double unders
20 abmat sit-ups
200m run
20 double unders
10 abmat sit-ups
200m run
I finished in 15:00 RX
Friday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
5 x 3 OHS
10:00 EMOM
7 front squats + 7 burpees over the bar (155/115)
I started at 95# and had to go down to 85#. I didn’t complete round 6 (one burpee shy) so skipped round 7 and did an extra round at the end. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Saturday – CrossFit City Limits workout
3 RTF:
800m run
21 KB swings (70/53)
15 burpees
I finished in 22:07 RX
Emily says
My eyes always want to pop seeing all the things you do in 30 minutes or less… . This workout especially stood out to me. It’s amazing seeing Cross Fitters do double unders, because I can barely jump rope.
‘100 double unders
50 abmat sit-ups
200m run
80 double unders
40 abmat sit-ups
200m run
60 double unders
30 abmat sit-ups
200m run
40 double unders
20 abmat sit-ups
200m run
20 double unders
10 abmat sit-ups
200m run’
That is intense. O_O
Kelly says
That one was a fun one, and you could def do it on your own outside. Double unders took me awhile to get down, but I just kept practicing and they kept getting better. I have my days that they still aren’t the best, but better than before. I would just keep practicing jumping rope!