A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday! Who is ready to kick some a** this week!? I know I am. Last week was a fun week of working out. I did my usually CrossFit workouts and then switched it up one day and tried Flywheel. If you haven’t heard of Flywheel, it’s an indoor cycling class lead by an instructor programmed to great music. Each class will go through climbs, descents, races, rhythm riding, and sprints (my fav!). The major difference in these classes is they have a mini computer attached to your bike that gives you your RPMs, resistance, output, and power. I freaking loved that! I never know if my resistance is too high or low in most cycling classes, so this was great. When instructors give you a range, you know you are in it. They also have a TorqBoard where it shows live race stats and class rankings. My competitive self loved it! You can also see your distance and calories burned after your class.
I’m usually one to find a workout I love and stick with it. But this year I am trying to change it up some and get my body out of it’s comfort zone. I am not big on cycling (mostly because I’m not that good at it) but I loved my Flywheel experience and they way it challenged me. I even dragged Michael along and he really enjoyed it, and that is coming from a guy that does like zero cardio. I am super excited to go back and keep working on my weaknesses and bettering myself.
The pic above is a sign at flywheel and I think I’m gonna make it my new mantra. We shouldn’t go about coasting through life, we should be living it to the fullest!
How are you getting out of your comfort zone this year?
Sunday – CrossFit City Limits workout
7 RFT:
7 thrusters (135/95)
7 knees to elbow
7 deadlifts (245/185)
7 burpees
7 pull-ups
I finished in 23:36 using 75# for thrusters and 135# for deadlifts.
Monday – CrossFit City Limits Endurance workout
3 x tabata (4:00 rest between)
I averaged around 820m per tabata. If you don’t like rowing, this is a good workout for you to do. 20 second sprints are really manageable.
Tuesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
clean & jerk: warm up as if in a meet (10 minutes), then 3 attempts to establish heaviest single
5 RFT:
10 power cleans (135/95)
10 burpees
Finally a short sprint WOD and this one was a lot of fun! I finished in 5:45 using 85#. Try to use a weight that isn’t too heavy. You should be able to link a cleans together. I worked up to 120# on my c&j as well.
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits Endurance workout
30:00 AMRAP
10 burpees
20 wallballs
250m row
*rest 1:30 after each round
I think I finished with 7 + 2 wallballs. Try to do each movement unbroken.
Thursday – Flywheel workout
First time doing a class and loved it! I ended up going 22 miles and burning 800 cals in 45 minutes (according to their tracker).
Friday – CrossFit City Limits workout
Skills – burpee DB step-ups
18:00 AMRAP
30 push jerks (115/80)
30 box jumps (24/20)
30 calorie row
30 toes 2 bar
I finished with 2 + 30 BJ using 65#
Saturday – rest day
Thanks Flywheel for letting me come by and try out a class!
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