A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday!
Boy this week is starting off a little slow. We traveled to Virginia this weekend and had one hell of a weekend! I surprised Michael at work on Thursday and picked him up and took him to the airport and we headed to VA for go to the JMU football game with all our college friends and family. His 30th birthday is coming up later this year, so this was the perfect surprise for him.
The weekend was filled with lot of fun, but also lots of drinking and food that I usually don’t normally eat. Now that it’s Monday, I am feeling a little sluggish, but am going to get right back into my daily routine. I plan on going on a run later today and enjoying a bunch of vegetables, protein, and healthy carbs.
It might be tough coming back from a fun vacation, but it’s important to remember your goals and not to drag out those unhealthy habits. I know I like to indulge some on vacation, but it’s still about balance and making good decisions. Once you come home, hit up the grocery store and get back to your normal eating routines.
I know I have been all over the place with my eating, but it’s Monday and a fresh start, which means it’s time to get back to it!
Sunday – CrossFit City Limits open gym
snatch work
10:00 AMRAP
30 double unders
10 push-ups
10 push press
I finished 6 rounds + 8 DUs using 55#
Monday – running
I ran for about 50 minutes, not sure how far, maybe 6 miles?
Tuesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
40:00 AMRAP
*buy in*
1600m run
40 step ups (24/20)
20 KB swings (70/55)
*1600m run @ 25:00
I got 7 plus 8 KBS using 44#
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
1RM high hang squat clean
3RM push press
7 x 2:00 rounds
1 x 10′ front rack walk (AHAP)
2 x 10 (L/R) split squats (AHAP)
3 x max set narrow push-ups
I got 120# in my high hang squat clean, 110# in my push press, and did 155, 195, 235, 240, and 245# in my front rack walking lunges. I finished with 1 set of max push-ups getting 33.
Thursday – CrossFit City Limits workout
for time:
200 double unders
100 single arm snatches (70/53 DB/KB)
200 double unders
I finished in 15:59 using a 35# DB
Friday – Orange Theory Fitness class – see workout here
My first class and I really liked it! I do feel like I’m not sure how accurate the heart rate monitors are – I felt like I was really pushing, but was in the green most of the time. Maybe I wasn’t pushing hard enough though? I guess I would need to try again to see, but I would definitely do it again!
Saturday – rest day
JMU tailgate!!
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