Recapping June 2017!
And just like that the year is already half way over! Where as the time gone?! So far this summer has been pretty chill (we haven’t traveled much), but the second half of the summer is going to be jam packed. I’m looking forward to relaxing the next couple weekends before we are traveling back east a few times and then aboard. I’m so excited for that! June had some ups and downs, so let’s get into it.
- Grilled Sweet Potato Fries with Parsley Tahini Sauce // 2. Grilled Lemon Pepper Chicken // 3. Peanut Butter & Jelly Energy Balls // 4. Party Sized Chicken Collard Wraps with Peanut Sauce // 5. Tomato Jicama Salad
- Weekly Workout Recap Week 1 // 2. Weekly Workout Recap Week 2 // 3. Weekly Workout Recap Week 3 // 4. Weekly Workout Recap Week 4
Doing Things
The beginning of June is always a time to look forward too – it’s Michael and I’s anniversary and we celebrated 5 years of dating! We hit up Uchiko for dinner and it did not disappoint. Delicious as always.
Later in the month we tried out Bufalina. We have been trying to go on date night every other week and try out new restaurants and places around Austin. We both loved the pizza there and would definitely go back!
I met with Mary Ellen from Milk & Honey Nutrition and Lauren from Lauren Frost Fit for breakfast one morning. It is so nice getting to know other local bloggers and people with your same passions. We obviously went to Whole Foods to meet.
Mid month we had our friend’s 30th birthday party. It was so fun! We both drank more than anticipated and were on the couch the next day – signs that you are getting old haha. The last weekend ended with another friend’s birthday party. We didn’t drink at this one…lessons learned from the previous week. We also watched our friends compete in a local CrossFit comp. They ended up finishing in second!
What I am loving
Wella Bar! I just recently discovered this somewhat local to me protein bar. They are made with organic and fresh ingredients that you can taste. The texture is different from your average protein bar (you can see in the pic!) – they aren’t really chewy and you don’t get that stuck in your teeth feeling. You can tell that they are made from real ingredients and can taste the freshness. I have only tried a few flavors so far, but I’ve been loving them.
Getting stronger! Well obviously, but I am really going to start working on my strength in the next few months. It is something that I have somewhat avoided the past few years and it is time I start working on my weaknesses. This new PR board at CFCL is motivating me. Can you find my PRs?
That’s it for June! I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing holiday weekend! See you in July 🙂
PS – can you tell we have gotten pretty good a selfies lately ;P
Emily says
So many recipes and amazing workouts. I love the cool tough shots of you doing those reps. 🙂 Also, that’s neat that Wella Bar is local to you. Supporting local is da best. 🙂
Kelly says
Thanks Emily! I always find I look so funny working out – I make some funny faces lol. And yes, finding local brands is the best! Hope you had a great 4th!