A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
Happy Monday! Is everyone finally used to the time change? Last Monday I woke up at 5am and was wide awake. I laid in bed for a little, but then finally decided to get up. By 10am I had already gotten so much stuff done it was amazing! But by the end of the week I was super tired haha.
With the time change and it getting dark so much earlier, I was thrown off in my workouts a little. On Tuesday I have to work way south and usually get home around 4ish. I didn’t get up to the go to the gym that morning because I was planning on going on a run when I got home. Well work went later than usual and by the time I got home it was a little after 6pm and practically dark. And I was exhausted from a long day.
It kind of bummed me out because I was really looking forward to a run outside after a solid 2 days at CrossFit. It made me realize that there are always going to be things that come up and get in the way of our plans and it’s easy to make excuses like I did. But if really want something, you need to set time aside for it. Make it a priority in your day, not just an afterthought.
Next Tuesday I will wake up earlier and get my workout in before work (if I plan on working out). That way if my schedule changes throughout the day or something else comes up, I don’t have to stress about not being able to workout. Make a plan and stick to it!
Sunday – CrossFit City Limits open gym – see video here
Partner WOD
20 alternating rounds:
12/10 assault bike calories
3 power snatches / power cleans (>=80%)
10 lateral burpees
The first 10 rounds you do snatches, then change your weight, and the last 10 you do cleans. So each person does 5 rounds of snatches and 5 rounds of cleans. We finished in 44:00 minutes. I love Michael, but the whole time I was thinking how much faster I could do it with someone else haha!
Monday – CrossFit City Limits workout
5 RFT:
50 double unders
15 DB squat cleans (50/35)
15 burpees
50 double unders
2:00 Rest
I finished 4 rounds + 10 squat cleans using 26# KB and having a 26:00 time cap
Tuesday – rest day
I planned on going for a run, but the time change messed me up!
Wednesday – CrossFit City Limits workout
20:00 AMRAP
20 clean & jerks (135/95/45%)
2:00 REST
The way this workout was written was 15 C&J (and that is even how I wrote it on the board when I was doing it!!), but I did 20 each round for some reason. I finished with a total of 5 rounds using 65#
Thursday – CrossFit City Limits workout
15:00 AMRAP
5 pull-ups
10 handstand push-ups
20 pistols (alternating)
I finished 7 rounds + 5 pull-ups
Friday – CrossFit City Limits workout
4RM Front Squat
4 RFT:
20 sumo deadlift high pull (135/95)
30 abmat sit-ups
I finished in 9:05 using 75# and worked up to 135# in my FS
Saturday – rest
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