Recapping a day of eats. Thanks to the other bloggers who started the What I Ate Wednesday linkup!
Back with another day of eats. This was from this past Monday. Man that day wasn’t the best. The day started off around 5am like every Monday. I have to be at work at 5:30 and as a I was leaving, a car pulled into our driveway and was talking stuff from the garage. We live in a duplex and the people behind us just moved out, so it could have been them or the leasing people. Either way, I was kind of bugged out by the situation since it was so early in the morning.
I started to drive away but then I wanted to make sure they didn’t take anything of ours. Well long story story I backed up, wasn’t paying attention and it was dark, and I hit my neighbors car. It wasn’t horrible, but scrapped the side. My car wasn’t bad. I left a note on their car and left for work for the crappiest start to Monday morning.
Breakfast was around 7:45am and was a recipe test. Lets just say it was overnight “oats” (not oats in there), grass-fed gelatin, peanut butter, cocoa powder, cashew milk, and some frozen berries. It wasn’t bad, but needs some work.
After work around 1:15 I stopped at Central Market on the way home for avocados and egg white. Of course they didn’t have any ripe avocados, but they did have a free sample. I think it was grits, sausage, lobster tail, and some pesto. Quite tasty.
Lunch finally happened at 2pm. An egg, egg whites, diced sweet potatoes and zucchini, pizza sauce, avocado, basil, and some watermelon on the side.
I went to CrossFit around 4pm to workout with my friend Carmen. I had to coach at 6:30 and 7:30 so I ate dinner after I worked out. It consisted of leftover curry (coming to the blog tomorrow) and a mix of cauliflower and white rice.
Got home around 8:45 and headed over to the neighbors house to give him my insurance info. Then I ate copious amounts of watermelon to easy my car suffers. Some of it I had topped with coconut butter and lime juice.
Overall, not a bad day of eating, but not the most fun day. Oh well, you can’t win them all!
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