A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week.
I feel like I am in a funk. I don’t know if it is because of marathon training or what, I just don’t have the motivation to workout that much. I still do, but it feels like a hassle and I have to really convince myself to do it. I always feel better after, but getting there is tough. I’ve have had a hard time of trying to train for my marathon and do CrossFit. I feel like I am struggling in my CrossFit workouts since I am not doing them as much. My stamina and endurance doesn’t feel as good, even though I am working on endurance in my running. I just can’t find a good balance between the two and it making not want to workout. Anyone every go through these ruts?
On a positive note, I tried Soul Cycle for the first time last week and loved it! It was definitely something I am not used to, but it is good to mix up your workouts. I can’t wait to go back!
Sunday – Soul Cycle
My first time!
Monday – rest day
Tuesday – Crush workout – lower body + CrossFit WOD
2 x 1:00 ME Assault Bike Cals (3:00 rest in between)
I got 20 calories and then 17. My legs were pretty tired from working out earlier, but I just wanted to do the bike so bad. You should feel like you can’t walk after the second round 🙂
Wednesday – CrossFit WOD at home
4 rounds for time:
400m run (mine was around the block so a little more)
25 air squats
20 burpees
15 sit-ups
10 push-ups
I finished in 21:18. I wanted to go to the gym, but took a nap for way too long and didn’t have time to make it to the gym before a happy hour I had. Did this quick workout at home. Gotta make it work if you don’t have a lot of time!
Thursday – training run
7.5 miles – 1 warmup mile, then 6.5 at 7:47 pace
We were supposed to run 10, but we decided to run on the treadmill since it was hot out. Well I haven’t run on a treadmill for that many miles in awhile and it was pretty tough, so we cut it off early. The only thing that got us that far is we were all watching out iPads.
Friday – rest day/BlogHer conference
Saturday – CrossFit WOD
75 burpee pull-ups
*every 3 minutes perform 3 snatches @75%
I finished in 11:15 (ish) using 65#. See video here.
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