A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. Right now marathon training blows. I haven't been getting in the number of runs I would … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts Recap
A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. Can you believe it is almost November!? Where has this month gone? I know in the … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts Recap
A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. This whole marathon training isn't going as well as I thought it would be. We keep … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts Recap
A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. I feel like I am in a funk. I don't know if it is because of marathon training or what, I … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts Recap
A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. Happy October!! New month and new goals! Do you have any goals for this month, … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts Recap
A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. I think we are about 4 weeks into marathon training now. Running used to be my thing. It … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts Recap
A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. This week was full of both marathon training and CrossFit workouts! I didn't get in all … [Read more...]
Weekly Workouts Recap
A recap of my weekly workouts from the previous week. Marathon training has officially begun. My friend Danielle has goal of qualifying for the … [Read more...]
Making the Gains – Running, Deadlifts, & Box Jumps
A CrossFit WOD consisting of Running, Deadlifts, & Box Jumps that makes for one killer leg workout! Happy Monday! Time for a little fitness … [Read more...]
Making the Gains – Running, Double Unders, & Sit-Ups
A cardio based CrossFit WOD consisting of Running, Double Unders, & Sit-Ups that can be done anywhere! Happy 4th of July! Hope you are … [Read more...]
Making the Gains – Running, Burpees, & Pull-Ups
A cardio CrossFit WOD that consist of a running, burpees, & pull-ups, with a built in rest. Happy Monday!! Time to get our workout on. What … [Read more...]
Making the Gains – 45 minute Bodyweight Cardio AMRAP
A 45 minute bodyweight cardio AMRAP workout that incorporates running, sit-ups, push-ups, box jumps, and burpees. Howdy, and welcome back to … [Read more...]